Taharangi Hou Shaping the New Horizon

10 June 2016 - 12 June 2016

Friday 10 June, 10am – 4pm
Blue Oyster Gallery and Studio Space

Saturday 11 June, 10am – 4pm
Dunedin Public Art Gallery Seminar Room

Sunday 12 June, 11am – 4pm
Dunedin Public Library Dunningham Suite

Led by Taarati Taiaroa and Elisapeta Heta, Taharangi Hou is a three day wānanga that invites interested parties to come together under the rising of Matariki/Puaka to propose, explore, discuss and dissect key contemporary Māori art texts in relation to emerging arts practice and three key spaces in Dunedin.

The discussion and proposal of texts will be centered on the aim of collectively contributing to the development of a critical reader for contemporary Māori art. What has been said? What needs to be said? Let’s find ways into texts, histories, issues – and out of them together. What have been and are key texts for contemporary Māori arts practice in Te Waipounamu?

We invite anyone interested in contemporary Māori art to participate by either bringing along a text that is significant to them, providing a reflection, sitting in or engaging in conversation. The workshop will be divided into six sessions over the three days, one day taking place and being specific to each location. Each session will take shape as either a reading group, seminar or conversational research forum to allow for conversation between participants to develop over the duration of the workshop.

This event is intended to be the first in a series of Taharangi Hou wānanga which will occur throughout the country over the next 18 months towards the development of a critical reader. Taharangi Hou is free to attend, pre-registrations are encouraged as well as drop-in participation. Light refreshments will be provided throughout the workshop. Lunch will be provided for those who register to attend all three days.

To register click here
For all enquiries email: taharangi.hou@gmail.com