James Oram, Play Off, 2011


The Blue Oyster is a not for profit organisation and registered charitable trust that relies on the goodwill and in-kind support from the local community to maintain an active programme of innovative projects, exhibitions, events and publications. Those involved range from our Board of Trustees, to volunteers looking to gain experience and to be a part of a meaningful organisation.

The Blue Oyster Arts Trust consists of between five and eight voluntary Trustees, responsible for the long term direction and sustainability of the Blue Oyster Art Project Space. Trustees offer their time and commitment voluntarily, and are dedicated to promoting and supporting the local arts community and emerging artists. 

We are always on the look out for assistance with a variety of projects from installation, gallery sitting, archiving, technical help, professional advice, construction, accountancy, publicity, photography, writing and design. 

The Blue Oyster's rich history in experimental and emerging art projects makes it a supportive environment for anyone looking to get involved in philanthropy, learn more about exhibition making, curatorial practice and arts administration. 

Voluntary Opportunities

Gallery Volunteers
Blue Oyster volunteers help with a huge range of operational work that would not otherwise be possible without their support. Volunteers not only gain valuable experience, but also the appreciation and support of the Staff, Trustees and the wider Blue Oyster community of artists, funders and audience. Volunteers are offered references and letters of support, as well as professional advice in their own artistic endeavours. Email us if you'd like to start volunteering.

We are available to take on students looking to complete work-placements at all times of the year for any length of time. We offer a comprehensive pre-prepared programme of for work-placement students that can be adjusted to suit the student's specific interests and education. Email us to enquire.

Although internships are not a recurrent part of our operations, we welcome anyone interested in completing self-directed projects in arts administration, curatorship, research and exhibition making. Email us if you are interested in undertaking an internship, include your CV, project proposal and suggested timeframe and dates.

2021 Hannah Renwick (Archival)
Rosa Nevison (Otago Polytechnic, Design Department)
Reuben Scott (University of Otago)
2021 Jacob Tucker (Dunedin School of Art)
Riley Young (Dunedin School of Art)
Sophearith Dareth (University of Otago & JobDUN)
Bunty Bou (University of Otago & JobDUN)
Koren Allpress (Exhibition Installation)
Anna van Hattum (Archival)
Emily Crooks (Archival)
2018 Māia Abraham (Toi Māori Aotearoa Partnership)
2018 Anna van Hattum (Archival)
Lydie Schmidt (Curatorial)
Jessica Taylor (Archival)
2016 Marilona Kautzmann (Curatorial, 3 months)
Tim Player (Gallery)
Amiria Puia-Taylor (Tautai partnership)
Loulou Callister-Baker (Archival)
2011 Jenny Chen and Suzanne Claessen (Curatorial)
2006 Bernard Hamlin (Curatorial)

Make a Donation Today
The Blue Oyster Arts Trust is a registered
Charitable Trust: CC28163 and an IRD approved
donee organisation. Donate today and you may
qualify for a 33% tax credit.

Direct Debit: Blue Oyster Arts Trust
38 - 9012 - 0063763 - 00

Join our Supporters Network
You can now support the Blue Oyster in a number of ways by choosing from our easy tiered donation system to become a patron, investor, supporter or fan. Visit our Support & Shop page to purchase. 

Major Funders
Creative New Zealand, the Arts Council of NZ
Dunedin City Council

Previous Project Funders
Otago Community Trust
The Infinity Foundation Ltd
Southern Victorian Charitable Trust
The Bendigo Valley Foundation
The Lion Foundation
Community Post | New Zealand Post
Te Paerangi | National Services

J W Smeaton
Blue Twist Web Development
Stacpoole's Brewing Co.
Common Ground Espresso
Evansdale Cheese

Dunedin Fringe Festival
Puaka Matariki Festival Otepoti
Dunedin Public Art Gallery
Dunedin School of Art
Ignite Consultants
The Lumière Reader
Caselberg Trust

Supporters Network
Rachel Hope Allan
Megan Brady
Erin Broughton
Malcolm Deans
Scott Flanagan
Chloe Geoghegan
Vivian Griffiths
Lauren Gutsell
Jamie Hanton
Anne Harlow
Raoul Hobbs
James Hope
Simon Johnston
Madison Kelly
Gavin Leuzzi
Harriet Litten
Sophie McDonagh
Louise Menzies
Anet Neutze
Robyn Maree Pickens
Amy Unkovich
Waveney Russ
Laura Shepard
Nikolai Sim
Ross Sinclair
Rachel Keir-Smith
Josh Thomas
Lucy Wardle
Ted Whitaker
Forbes Williams
Khin Khin Lwin
Sam Longmore
Matt and Meg Galloway
Glen Armstrong
Taylor Groves
Kirsty Glengarry
Simon Kaan
Saskia Leek
Kathryn Tulloch
Peter Scholes
Vanessa Mei Crofskey