Te riroka mai, he kaitaoka! Vicki Lenihan
Te riroka mai, he kaitaoka!
Join us Saturday 7 May from 4pm to kōrerorero with Vicki Lenihan, and take home your very own rourou filled with a degustation prepared by Lenihan from farm-grown seasonal produce and mahika kai.
Numbers are limited so please register via email to mya@blueoyster.org.nz, and indicate if you have any dietary requirements or allergies.
Nāku te rourou nāu to rourou, ka ora ai te iwi!
Vicki Lenihan (Waitaha, Kāti Māmoe, Ngāi Tahu) is a multimedia artist whose practice centres on sustainability, celebrating identity interwoven with our unique and irreplaceable environment, and highlighting issues connected to self-determination and hauora. She is also a writer; an educator; a museum professional; a regular broadcaster; an arts producer; Community Events Advisor – Cultural at the Dunedin City Council, and until recently Secretary of the Paemanu Ngāi Tahu Contemporary Visual Arts Charitable Trust.