Becky Richards, To watch, with your mind’s eye, the world floating quiet, 2017

To watch, with your mind’s eye, the world floating quiet | A call out for co-creators Becky Richards

2 April 2017

Sunday 2 April, 11am – 4pm

Becky Richards and Blue Oyster seek interested contributors to enable the generation of fresh, round forms and thoughts. You are warmly invited to attend an open workshop, made up of a simple exercise focusing on organic roundness, and its intrinsic appeal. The day will consist of a tactile exercise and reflection upon spherical forms; those in our daily beat, of our own creation and those that are emergent from nature.

Drawing techniques from the traditional Japanese craft of Hikaru Dorodango (shining mudballs), contributors will be invited to create spherical forms using a combination of soil, clay-slip, sand, water and other organic ingredients. The resultant spheres will inhabit Blue Oyster for the duration of the exhibition To watch, with your mind’s eye, the world floating quiet. Following the exhibition period, they may be taken home or given away.


Becky Richards is a Christchurch born artist, based in Auckland and is currently undertaking her Masters at Elam School of Fine Arts. Favouring analog, tactile processes and natural materials, Richards seeks to describe and encourage a close and curious engagement with the organic world. Having been largely quiet recently, Richards’ previous exhibitions include: Three Nights in the desert, C3 Contemporary Artspace, 2013 (solo); Temple of shapes, Seventh Gallery, 2013 (group); Domestos, Tinning St Gallery, 2014 (solo); The wee shocial, Christchurch Exchange, 2015 (group).