Pippa Sanderson, Surface, 2008

Blue Oyster Performance Series 2008 Dunedin Fringe Festival

31 March 2008 - 5 April 2008

Pippa Sanderson and Kirsty Lilico are drawing on absurd humour in "Surface" to generate curiosity as they don protective clothing to take part in the childlike activity of bubble blowing.

Gill Gatley's "Prick" and "Lawn" are two minimalist paintings that both compliment and emulate each other – one made magnetic pins, the other of grass – they reflect and absorb to present a slow performance painting. After the live installation of "Prick" on Monday she will discuss her concepts and process on Tuesday.

David Cross invites you to enter his gigantic inflatable fun house to test your mettle. It's a long way down if you fall. It's hard to move down an inflated platform in the dark holding on to someone for dear life, but it's even harder to let go. This will be in the Union Hall at Otago University and is not an event to be missed.

Brent Harris "pushes the threshold of boredom, concetration, narrative sequencing and the conventions of live performance to reveal quite profound aspects of subjectivity, decision making processes and the guided experience of urban living" David Cross, Examiner's report, 2007) Meet Brent at the gallery find out more. 

Sach Catts has arrived from Sydney with his BMX in hand ready to destroy a replica of artist Sol LeWitt's modular open cube structure. He will be in the gallery during the week building the structure and will be discussing his performance on Thursday. 

Cellulite Rose is creating happenings around Dunedin city, which is the last in theseries of Dunedin's sister cities she will be performing in. Documentary footage of performances Edinburgh and Shanghai will be screened in the Gallery.

Joyoti Whylie will be performing a video/sound work, using a live answer machine: Conversations of an era – a tool for listening and being heard – a private kind of thing then made public. Little quiet sounds – a year of birds. Waiting…..waiting…..waiting for the telephone to ring. The answer phone as a tool for showing work. 

International Artist in Residence Katharina Weishäupl will be giving an insightful talk on Performance Art in Germany.