Media Povera Curated by Sally Ann McIntyre

12 July 2010 - 7 August 2010

Providing its own eclectic take on the “media formerly known as new”, Media Povera groups together artists based in New Zealand, Greece, Australia and the USA: Brett Ian Balogh, Radio Cegeste, Ryan Cockburn, Edie Stevens, Helga Fassonaki, Alexander MacKinnon.

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three works Nigel Bunn

12 July 2010 - 7 August 2010

Nigel Bunn’s investigations into the participatory potential of technology are often characterised by a destabilisation of the methodological and rigorous position of the scientist with the play and poetics of artistic curiosity.

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magnet Kim Pieters

12 July 2010 - 7 August 2010

Pieters’ long experiment in marrying improvised music with moving image begins in the live forums of experimental music culture, and moves towards the installation space's potential to engage with durational viewing, the sublime, and near-painterly spaces of long-take cinema.

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With their open-ended configurations Clemens and Lawrence provoke a search for connections and explanations that always rest unattainably out of reach.

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Light Sensitive: Alternative Photographic Technologies brings together the work of New Zealand photographers Alan Bekhuis, Joyce Campbell, Ben Cauchi and Darren Glass.

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Fog Anna Perry

18 May 2010 - 12 June 2010

Anna Perry has created a sensory environment with devices that emit smells, which can provoke individual recollections of place, time or event.

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The Asian Simon Kaan

20 April 2010 - 15 May 2010

For his work The Asian, Simon Kaan invites visitors to the Blue Oyster to have lunch with him via Skype.

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Polytears Anna Muirhead

20 April 2010 - 15 May 2010

Anna Muirhead carves classical European garden furniture from humble, disposable, cardboard. Gardens and monuments exist as public allegories of the social politic of a particular era.

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Same Same (Incredibly Hot Sex with Hideous People) is confessional and darkly funny, aiming for nothing less than personal catharsis in the hope that readers will see something very authentic and familiar in his day-to-day trials and tribulations

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Displacement James Voller

20 April 2010 - 15 May 2010

James Voller's photographic interventions into public spaces, displace images of suburban housing into an urban environment by overlaying one-to-one scale black and white photographs of typical New Zealand residential building details onto commercial spaces.

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