The Back Boot Project Curated by Anna Muirhead

13 November 2007 - 1 December 2007

Victoria Bell, Michele Beevors, Bekah Carran, Scott Eady, Michael Morley, Emily Pauling and Benjamin Smith.

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In the Upper Gallery, Rotorplus presents Project Nature Fig 20b. {maps of the world Vol.1}

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Sighing: just out of earshot Curated by Ali Bramwell

23 October 2007 - 10 November 2007

Viel Bjerkeset Andersen, Lisa Benson, Neil Berecry-Brown and Jieon Lee, Thom Vink and Saara Ekstrom and Gordana Andjelic Galic.

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Monumental Ignorance Katrina Thomson

2 October 2007 - 20 October 2007

In the Upper Gallery, Katrina Thomson uses sculpture to develop ideas around mind-power and fantasy.

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Blueprint for Inertia Christopher Baldwin

2 October 2007 - 20 October 2007

Christopher Baldwin presents Blueprint for Inertia in the Darkside Gallery.

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Subdivision Amy-Jo Jory

2 October 2007 - 20 October 2007

Amy-Jo Jory uses imagery of a factory workplace to question class systems and the consumer cycle of working to live and living to work in the Lower Gallery.

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Drawn Curated by Emily Pauling

11 September 2007 - 29 September 2007

Michele Beevors, Tony Bond, Vanessa Crowe, Adrian Hall, Jonathan Otley and Mark-Antony Smith.

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Flipside to the Darkside Cat Simpson

11 September 2007 - 29 September 2007

In the Darkside Gallery, Cat Simpson presents Flipside to the Darkside, a project that dives into effervescent fictions, working with playful eccentricity and passion.

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Joan: God’s Own Lynda Cullen

11 September 2007 - 29 September 2007

Joan: God’s Own, presented in the Lower Gallery, by Lynda Cullen.

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Elsewhere Brydee Rood

21 August 2007 - 8 September 2007

In the Upper and Lower Galleries, Brydee Rood presents a self-inflating project swelling with linkages of changing ground, shrinking worlds, breeding and spreading.

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