Animality Curated by Angela Singer

24 June 2003 - 5 July 2003

Jordan Baseman, Angela Singer, Daniel Unverricht, David Wilkinson, Kate Rohde, Nicky Coutts, Karl Grimes, Catherine Chalmers, Kathryn Spence.

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The Blathering Jane Venis

10 June 2003 - 21 June 2003

Jane Venis presents The Blathering, Gossiping about Gossip.

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Liz Bryce, Vanessa Crowe, Nicola Farquhar, Don Hunter, Caroline McCaw, Jason Secto, Angela Singer, Kate Springford, Ana Terry and Cathy Tuato’o Ross.

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BLOY05.03 Hannah and Aaron Beehre

13 May 2003 - 24 May 2003

Christchurch based artists Hannah and Aaron Beehre's BLOY05.03 stands for: Blue Oyster May 2003. 

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Auckland based artists Gregor Kregar and Glen Spencer present Matthew 12, 12: “And surely man is worth far more than a sheep!”

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Installed and Live Adrian Hall

5 April 2003 - 26 April 2003

Stepping over an American flag and under a flashing red light to access the gallery, Installed and Live is an energetic and conceptual offering from Dunedin based artist Adrian Hall.

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Painter’s Block Willum Geerts

1 April 2003 - 12 April 2003

Amsterdam based artist Willum Geerts presents Painter's Block.

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Humiliation IQ Michael Morley

18 March 2003 - 29 March 2003

Dunedin based artist Michael Morley presents Humiliation IQ, an exhibition of paintings that explore the relationship between memory and cognition.

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The Shape of Things Stephen Belsten

4 March 2003 - 29 March 2003

Stephen Belsten presents The Shape of Things.

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Stuck in the intro…, Violet Faigan

18 February 2003 - 1 March 2003

"Always stuck in the intro. What'll I do?" Violet Faigan presents Stuck in the intro…

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