Harris Hill Road Janelle Lynch

31 August 2002 - 20 August 2002

Harris Hill Road is an ongoing project which began in 199 in New York state, the home of Janelle Lynch's family and where she was raised.

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N.A.F.T.A Fred Lonidier

7 August 2002 - 17 August 2002

Fred Lonidier's N.A.F.T.A stands for: North American Free Trade Agreement.

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The Monkey Lovers Nathan Thompson

24 July 2002 - 3 August 2002

Artist Nathan Thompson fills the Blue Oyster with a variety of large ink drawings for The Monkey Lovers turn the walls of a gallery into a comic book.

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From Holland is an installation by Douglas Kelaher and Warren Olds. The project draws together some of the visual language and processes of design, adjusting functionality for a gallery context. 

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Noughts, Crosses or Tiddlywinks? Paul Johns

25 June 2002 - 6 July 2002

One singular large painting titled Noughts, Crosses or Tiddlywinks? is a reply to a previous review of a work by Christchurch based artist Paul Johns.

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Chance Encounters Georgiana Morison

11 June 2002 - 22 June 2002

Georgiana Morison presents an exhibition concerned with what and whom we stumble upon unexpectedly in the everyday, and how those encounters may produce an unexpected flip side.

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Nocturnal Emissions Jane Venis

28 May 2002 - 8 June 2002

Venis's work Nocturnal Emissions looks at the kiwi mythology of the boy racer.

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Bryony Allan, Lisa Benson, Alannah Brown, Bekah Carran, Ranitar Charitkul, Iain Cheesman, Nicola Farquhar, Lloyd Godman, Aidan Howse, Di Halstead, Caroline McCaw, Rainy McMaster, James Robinson, Angela Singer, Ana Terry and Sonja Van Kerkhoff.

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Works on Paper David Hatcher

30 April 2002 - 11 May 2002

David Hatcher's Works on Paper consist of portraits of G8 leaders.

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In this body of work, Ali Bramwell has predominantly used steel to construct a reaction.

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