Alannah Brown, Drink your Medicine, 2008

Drink your Medicine Alannah Brown

22 January 2008 - 5 February 2008

Drink Your Medicine combines nostalgia for an idyllic rural upbringing with the hard realities of farming and growing up. Drink your medicine is the forceful command given to the child by the parent who knows what is best. The farmer however, is driven, not so much by compassion for his animals, but more a need to produce healthy livestock in order to earn a living. After all, at the end of the day, the animals will usually be sold or slaughtered, and it is best not to form emotional attachments.

Painter Alannah Brown was born and raised in Clyde, Central Otago. Browns paintings combine to create a disconcerting body of work. The viewer is pulled in different directions, creating a friction - experiencing guilt/pleasure, delight/disgust, attraction/repulsion, familiar/unfamiliar, real/imaginary, good memories/bad memories and ultimately questioning what it is to be human.

Presented alongside Karin Hofko On&On: The Rotating Video Collection