Alexandra Kennedy, Lost in Space, 2007

Lost in Space Alexandra Kennedy

8 May 2007 - 26 May 2007

"Some ideas entertained with and alongside Alexandra Kennedy's exhibition at the Blue Oyster Gallery entitled Lost in Space are proposed thorugh a coda in four parts to her suits of twelve paintings presented as four sets of three units each." - Leoni Schmidt

Alexandra Kennedy's paintings of cyberspace/cosmic space make use of the notion of the 'holes in space' created by electronic and digital technologies and rework them as an 'aesthetic of the void'. Hence there is an engagement with painting's own history and the question of what to paint after 'the end of subject matter' in painting. The visual motifs employed - holes, passages, empty space - are suggestive of an existence outside of notions of the temporal. They describe in-between spaces, spaces which are between the conceived and the lived or experienced. As such, the work in this show moves between the idea of a space and the experience of a space.

Presented alongside double