Ali Bramwell , Attachment Drawing, 2014

Attachment Drawing: Interface Ali Bramwell

4 June 2014 - 28 June 2014

Since 2000, Ali Bramwell has been working as a sculptor, installation and performance artist both nationally and internationally. Influenced by performative concepts within a sculptural field, her practice explores kinetically speculative experiences through the use of tactile materials. As an activated sound sculpture, 'Attachment Drawing: Interface' experiments with social metaphor and mechanical production, exploring inbuilt possibilities of failure and ephemeral solutions.

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Ali Bramwell (b. 1969) gained a Masters in Fine Art from the Dunedin School of Art in 2001. She has exhibited in Japan, China, The Netherlands, Sweden, Slovenia, Bosnia, South Korea and New Zealand, with permanent sculptural works in Germany and Georgia. In 2011 Bramwell was awarded artist in residence at Slovenia's Centre for Contemporary Art Celje.