B-Grade Curated by the Blue Oyster Arts Trust

7 December 2004 - 18 December 2004

Katrina Burton, Ryan Cockburn, Jim Cooper, Violet Fagan, Martin Kean, Adrian Hall, Amy-Jo Jory, Caroline McCaw, Michael Morley, Anna Muirhead

Curated by the Blue Oyster, B-Grade is intended as: Shorthand for Blue Oyster grade, as B- grade materials and processes, anti style or deliberately rickety, some kind of commentary on the idea of value, artists as marginal commentators on the mainstream, a look at arts role in cultural critique, the flip side, the other one, the alternative As schlock or kitsch, B-grade the way its used to describe movies (the attack of the 50-ft woman) and a variety of other adjectives beginning with B...