Blue Movies Blue Oyster Video Archive

6 March 2007 - 24 March 2007

In the Lower Gallery, the Blue Oyster will be showing Blue Movies, which will feature work held within the Video Archive. Diverse contemporary approaches to performance, intervention, documentary, animation, and new media will also feature. The Blue Oyster Video Archive is an initiative by the gallery to be the guardians of a collection of contemporary video work that will sever as a curatorial resource for future projects. The artist retains ownership of the work while it is held in the collection.

Featuring: David Good Silence, Matt Gillies Critical Mass, Mark Harvey Tony and His Mirror and The Ready: 01 (2007 Remix), Jane Zusters Some Morphology and Wetware, Mark Hansen Revelation, Kim Pieters Ghostwriting, Michael Morley The Black Album, Laura Bruch Bruno.

Presented alongside Ailie Rutherford Drawing on Dreams and Jay Hutchinson Made at the Sweatshop