Drawn Curated by Emily Pauling

11 September 2007 - 29 September 2007

Michele Beevors, Tony Bond, Vanessa Crowe, Adrian Hall, Jonathan Otley and Mark-Antony Smith, curated by Emily Pauling

In the Upper Gallery, Drawn investigates ideas of process versus product and the role medium might plays. Is drawing purely process based, a prerequisite for something more or can it be product? When does a drawing move from process to product? And is there a hierarchy? A drawing can be in any medium Fred Sandback drew in space with string Jessica Stockholm seems to draw with objects and Toba Kheboori inscribes into wax. Drawn is interested is how certain mediums suggest working process while others imply a final result. By bringing together ‘drawings’ that employ a diverse range of medium, such as graphite, found objects and the use of computer programs and viewing them side by side allows us to consider these ideas and at the same time challenge certain assumptions of what drawing is.

Presented alongside Lynda Cullen Joan: God's Own and Cat Simpson Flipside to the Darkside