The Do It Yourself Shelf Museum of Possibilities, 2009

Hello Lamb: Perspectives of Elsewhere Curated by Michelle Armistead

27 January 2009 - 21 February 2009

The Hello Lamb Project is an artist run initiative involving selected early career artists and curators to work together on a series of exchange exhibitions between New Zealand and Japan. In part 1 of the exchange the Hello Lamb artists were sponsored by the New Zealand Japan Exchange Programme to travel to Tokyo and exhibit at GEISAI Museum 2 (emerging art fair) on May 11 2008. After returning from Tokyo, The Hello Lamb Project: Part 2 became a series of exhibitions in New Zealand presenting 'The Do It Yourself Shelf Museum Of Possibilities': Featuring the original Hello Lamb team in cohorts with newly enlisted artists from Japan selected by Michelle Armistead (Curatorial Advisor).

The group's name Hello Lamb is a merger of the iconic Japanese phenomena Hello Kitty, and New Zealand's cultural tourism trademark - the sheep. This combination represents a meeting point and engagement between both cultures. It is this cross cultural communication and translation, which the artists involved are interested in exploring.

Click to view the artist blog