Mobile Curated by Tessa Giblin
Kah-Bee Chow, Scott Flanagan, Daniel Malone, Richard Maloy, Sriwhana Spong and Yuk King Tan, curated by Tessa Giblin
In the West Side space: Mobile is a one night event. A telephone line from the gallery offers visitors an intimate, solitary connection with artists from around NZ. Between 5.30pm-7pm, visitors to the Blue Oyster in Dunedin are invited to call the mobile phones of artists Kah-Bee Chow, Scott Flanagan, Daniel Malone, Richard Maloy, Sriwhana Spong and Yuk King Tan. The artworks encountered during this call are unpredictable, ranging from orchestrated conversation to being the catalyst for some further performance. Whilst being one of the most important tools in our working lives, telephones can also be the receptacle for incredibly intimate exchanges - they can provide a rout to solace, they connect people in different locations, time zones and modes of conduct, and they channel your experience into the mono-sensory realm of aural communication. - Tessa Giblin
Presented alongside Cathy Helps following the sun