From Holland Douglas Kelaher and Warren Olds

9 July 2002 - 20 July 2002

From Holland is an installation by Douglas Kelaher and Warren Olds. The project draws together some of the visual language and processes of design, adjusting functionality for a gallery context. From Holland extends earlier individual projects and obsessions with futuristic objects and environments, incorporating a set of plywood luggage from Battlestar Galactica, chill-out room lighting, and large scale work painted directly onto the gallery wall.

While the title pours in a number of mediated associations with Holland, the country, it is perhaps the eclecticism of Dutch design culture, plywood understanding of materials and remote geography that is most prevalent in this installation project.

Artists Douglas Kelaher and Warren Olds are informed by their work as designers. The three-dimensional design of Kelaher's furniture has informed much of his sculptural installation work since his graduation show at The Honeymoon Suite, The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of. Old's graphic design is primarily two-dimensional and print focused. His installation projects transform and customise this practice into three-dimensional contexts.