Fiona Connor and Margot Didsbury, Drifting Observatories, 2006

Drifting Observatories Fiona Connor and Margot Didsbury

14 February 2006 - 4 March 2006

Adrian Carnegie, Jane Coy, Regan Doody, Dorota Goetzen, Suita Jeensag, Angus Kerr, Colin Kerr, Atsuhi Koyama, Mike Mahon, Musa Naroro, KIm Selway, Yong Shao, Brita Urstad-Toft, Siru Valleala and Tatti Vilorino, curated by  Fiona Connor and Margot Didsbury.

In the Darkside Gallery: Drifting Observatories is an investigation on a global scale at an incidiual level. 15 fisposable cameras were sent to a mix of people in America, Antarctica, Australia, Brazil, China, England, Findland, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, Oman, Poland, Russia, Tanzania and Thailand. Drifting Observatories explores photography as a democratic medium. It forces people to form image-making decisions, showing a range of processes when taking photos in one's environment.

Click to download the exhibition text

Presented alongside Ruth Cleland Sunny Days and Leah Houghton Plan B. All three shows seem to share an interest in the processes of habitation.