Image: research image for heat transfers

heat transfers Ed Ritchie

21 October 2021 - 4 November 2021

heat transfers
Ed Ritchie
Thursday 21 October –Thursday 4 November 2021
Rāpare 21 Okeptopa – Rāpare 4 Noema 2021

Ōtepoti practitioner Ed Ritchie has developed a new work in response to the Blue Oyster archive.

Ed Ritchie considers architectural features from the facades of buildings that have housed Blue Oyster over the past two decades. Drawn from memories not measurements, Ritchie's work considers the Blue Oyster archive and incorporates copper, a nod to the material interest of Blue Oyster's previous anniversary exhibitions. Ritchie has developed this work in conversation with the Blue Oyster archive.

Blue Oyster has been working on digitising, future proofing and revealing the archives, which are now largely deposited at Hocken Collections. The archival efforts of past staff members, interns, and volunteers have assured the safe keeping of ephemera, and this project now looks to uncover both how much we have shifted and surprising ways we have stayed the same.

Video footage of this physical installation, presented in Blue Oyster's window at 16 Dowling Street, Ōtepoti, will be available to view as part of TENT from 4–7 November on the Artspace Aotearoa website:

Throughout the duration of heat transfers there will be archive material present from the first five years of Blue Oyster. This ephemera has been selected by Ritche for its relevance to heat transfers and will be replaced organically throughout the exhibition.

Public Programme:

Golden hour viewing sessions
Tuesday 26 – Friday 29 October, 5:30–6:30pm


Based in Ōtepoti, Ed Ritchie has a predominantly site-specific, installation based practice often responding to architectural attributes of given space or echoing familiar mechanisms through assemblage. Ritchie completed a Bachelor of Visual Arts (Hons) in 2017 through the Dunedin School of Art and has since become a founder and co-facilitator of ARI Favour. Recent exhibitions include: Central Heating, Dunedin Public Art Gallery, Ōtepoti (2021); Lay in Measures, Enjoy Contemporary, Wellington (2021) Hush Swarms, Hot Lunch, Ōtautahi Christchurch (2020); Console Whispers, Blue Oyster Art Project Space, Ōtepoti (2019).