Involved in an affair, the duty of memory Elizabeth Bryce

22 June 2004 - 10 July 2004

In the West Side space, Elizabeth Bryce presents Involved in an affair, the duty of memory. The work is a layered response to the Southern Cemetery (Dunedin) from the personal perspective of the artist and her won feeling of loss, overlaid with the historical information that is lurking as submerged content in the imagery. Involved in an affair, the duty of memory intends to post questions about caring and responsibility and contributes towards the forging of a more complete national identity through the notion that the past is always with us.

The installation sets up a virtual site of memory somewhere between the real world and the artists mind. The visitor to the gallery will be entering a dark space enlivened by points of light created y fibre optic technology. The work asks whose responsibility it is to commemorate and who can decide how that should be done. What is the duty of memory?

Presented alongside Amanda Floyd Euclide 2003/04