Introduced Birds, Storm Shelter, 2010

Introduced Birds ffffff

7 September 2010 - 2 October 2010

Introduced Birds is an exhibition by the artist collective ffffff involving a series of interlinked environments that conjure up a nervous tension and feeling of barren isolation. Visitors become performers are as they move through three minimalist environments, activating the space with movement and sound. Their psychological terrains tap into an undercurrent of individual alienation and anxiety symptomatic of the mechanisms of modern socialisation.

A large, dark, faceted form, reminiscent of a shelter or bunker, inhabits the first space. It is has been constructed from triangles cut out of vinyl records. The original record labels, with obsolete band names and forgotten song titles remain fully legible. These discarded efforts and ambitions, now relegated to a discarded medium, have been transformed into a feeble barrier for anything that might seek shelter there. Adjacent to this form, a dislocated arm from record player sits alone; beckoning. A simple touch to the pointed tip of the stylus sends out a rolling thunderous bass tone from below the mound of fractured records; layering further tension into the space.

Click to view video documentation (Vimeo)

Click to download the exhibition text (PDF)