Sebastian Warne, Jason Ware, Gaby Montejo, Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo, 2012

Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo Sebastian Warne, Jason Ware, Gaby Montejo

19 September 2012

Il buono, Il brutto, Il cattivo is a sculptural performance by Sebastian Warne, Jason Ware, and Gaby Montejo. Working independently until the day of installation Christchurch-based artists Ware, Warne, and Montejo have each taken on specific roles; a creator, an installer, and a saboteur, and each will contribute a unique variable that threatens to compromise the total project/product. One artist is said to be present on the night to perform the installation, but who really knows who will turn up or what will eventuate? This event took place on the evening of the OUSA's annual White Night (Art Week) in Dunedin where a large number of galleries will be open late.