One Day Sculpture Intertidal

20 December 2008

One Day Sculpture: Intertidal
Douglas Bagnall, Adam Hyde and Walker and Bromwich
Curated by Rachel Gillies and Caro McCaw

Offsite location: Quarantine Island, Otago Peninsula

Dunedin's One Day Sculpture project Intertidal was commissioned in association with the Blue Oyster Art Project Space as part of One Day Sculpture, a New Zealand-wide series of temporary public artworks. Intertidal is a collaborative project by two New Zealand artists Douglas Bagnall and Adam Hyde and UK artists Walker & Bromwich. The artists will be presenting a site-specific response to Kamau Taurua/ Quarantine Island on Saturday the 20th of December at 3.30pm, rain or shine.
We welcome your participation in this exciting public art project!

Walker & Bromwich, are working within their ongoing series concerned with protection and safety, and draw from their Euro-centric position as cultural exporters. Their combined practice - which reaches across gallery-based installation, digital works, and public interventions - explores the space between real and imagined locations, and their work for Intertidal will draw upon their unique encounter with Kamau Taurua/Quarantine Island encouraging audience participation through a variety of media. In comparison New Zealand ex-pat Adam Hyde and NZ based artist Douglas Bagnall are setting out to discover a new species in the Intertidal zone, throwing into focus the ever-present potential for new knowledge. Drawing upon 19th century methods of species discovery, involving collecting, looking and drawing, their work will form questions around what we don't know.

Artists and visitors alike must travel to this work, across the sea, enacting an expedition, as both ethnographers and enablers of a new story. The island becomes a 'ground' for this shared experience. An island is always hard to access, and while situated close to Dunedin this site has a remote appeal. Both a traditional fishing site, and once used to isolate disease, Kamau Taurua / Quarantine Island is currently both the world's only free-trade island as well as under the development and care of the Saint Martin's Island community.

Getting There: The Sea Cadets will be ferrying the audience from the Aquarium Marine Studies Centre in Portobello, Otago Peninsula, for the duration of the work, starting at 3.30pm and returning at 7.30pm. Attendance at the event is free however a small koha towards the island and sea cadets would be appreciated. Please look out for signage and project volunteers directing visitors through the Marine Centre to the jetty.

Intertidal Panel Discussion will be held at the Dunedin Public Art Gallery on Sunday the 21st of December at 12.30pm. Please come along for an open forum with the artists; Neil Bromwich, Zoe Walker, Adam Hyde, Douglas Bagnall and Litmus Director David Cross. Caro McCaw will be chairing the event.

Intertidal has received generous support from: The Otago Polytechnic, Creative New Zealand, Dunedin City Council Creative Communities Scheme, Bendigo Valley Sports & Charity Foundation, Dunedin Public Art Gallery, and Taste Nature.

Special thanks to the voluntary help from:The Sea Cadets; Brian Elder, Paul White, Billy Brown, Daniel Smart, Daniel Sleeman, Daniel Parsons, Courtney Stevens, Sarah dewar and William Elder. Kathy Black and the caretakers of Quarantine Island, The Portobello Aquarium/Marine Centre and our project volunteers.

Click to read commissioned response text by Ali Bramwell (PDF)