The Blathering Jane Venis

10 June 2003 - 21 June 2003

Jane Venis presents The Blathering, Gossiping about Gossip.

"Come to The Blathering and be part of the creation of an experimental soundscape You are welcome to come to any or all blathering sessions and be shamelessly plied with wine and have your loosened tongues recorded/edited and/or distorted. The resulting work will be a constantly changing soundscape regurgitated through gossip mongering machines. These machines will be created in the gallery during The Blathering from components made/found by the artists.

"Gossiping about gossip, what does that mean? We will discuss issues surrounding gossip such as: What is it? Is there a good and bad kind of gossip? Do men and women gossip differently in terms of content and tone? Has recent advances in technology affected the way we gossip and who gossips?"

Blathering Sessions:
Tuesday 10 June
Thursday 12 June
Tuesday 17 June
Wednesday 18 June
Friday 20 June