3 June 2008 - 28 June 2008

MODERNLOVE explores the paradigms of genetic engineering, nanotechnology and cloning- specifically in the area of 'in vitro fertilisation'. It questions what effects introduced nanoparticles will have within the Human or Animal body.

The painting process is an automatic one (re Du Champ) and is produced without using stencils or preliminary sketches, requiring a constant cross-referencing of 'Icon' (both form and content). This forces the mind to help evolve the subject matter, as would a computer program or hypothetical electrical exchange in graphic terms. Loss and mutation of content are the only constants in the process.

"Once in the body, particles can enter the heart, bone, marrow, ovaries, muscles, brain, liver, spleen and lymph nodes. During pregnancy, nanoparticles would likely cross the placenta and enter the foetus. ...It is likely that in the course of its entire evolution, humankind has never been exposed to such a wide variety of substances that can penetrate the body apparently unhindered" - Swiss Re, the world’s largest insurance firm.

The series was initially inspired by Marshall McLuhan and Bruce L Powers’ book The Global Village, and was fuelled by the works of: Aldous Huxley, Brave New World; Dr Yoshinori Kuwabura (nurturing the embryo in an artificial uterus, then transferring the embryo to the natural mothers womb after 17 weeks); and Dr Hung-Ching Liu's now cancelled work at Cornell University, US, involving the development of an artificial uterus.

Presented alongside Aidan Howse Ghost Moth and C. Scott Untitled (Past)