Jenny Gillam, Frank, Blue Oyster Art Project Space, 2011

Frank, Blue Oyster Art Project Space Jenny Gillam

4 October 2011 - 11 November 2011

Jenny Gillam’s video installation Frank. Blue Oyster Art Project Space uses technology to look at the relationship between time and space, in particular with regards to the ‘neutral’ space of the gallery. Her video works will show her dog Frank’s explorations of the empty Blue Oyster gallery space between exhibitions. Her installation will engage with issues surrounding the mediated ways in which we experience nature, our relationships to animals (especially pets) and ‘nature’ as a cultural construction.

Tuesday 4 October 2011: Artist talk with Emma Febvre-Richards, Jenny Gillam and Cara-Ann Simpson

Saturday 5 November 2011: Talk by Dr. Cecilia Novero on the representation of animals in art

Presented alongside Cara-Ann Simpson Geo Sound Helmets and Emma Febvre-Richards The Rituals of Control. These exhibitions all explore the roles and functions of technology in everyday life.