Sampler Joanna Langford

9 March 2004 - 27 March 2004

In the East Side space, Joanna Langford's Sampler uses deliberately ramshackle and impermanent processes to make sculptural 'devices'. Her work is also process oriented in the sense that it evolves in a responsive relationship with the peculiarities of the space. This work is crude but far from primitive; it appears materially humble and insignificant it is also both visually and technically complex and engaging.

Langford wants the work to be charming and enchanting, seducing the viewer into making minute explorations of her 'little carnivals'. Pockets of activity are revealed and concealed as you move around the work, seen through peepholes and other viewing apparatus. During this exhibition many people will find themselves stooping and peering to discover the secrets of the work.

Presented alongside Ian Balch Del suo fratello