summer of supine Juliet Carpenter

1 December 2015 - 23 December 2015

To conclude our 2015 programme of exhibitions Blue Oyster has commissioned a new video installation by Auckland based artist Juliet Carpenter.
summer of supine amplifies, contrasts and exposes complex relationships between technology and femininity. Interested in the nature of human communication in the digital age, Juliet Carpenter combines HD and filmic qualities to produce an intimate narrative, constructing a collapse between natural and digital phenomena.

Juliet Carpenter holds a BFA(Hons) from Elam School of Fine Arts (2013). Recent exhibitions include The Shadow of the Dome of Pleasure curated by Henry Davidson, Artspace, Auckland, 2015 (group); Street Talk with Evangeline Riddiford Graham, Window, Auckland, 2015; Silent Treatment, Gloria Knight, Auckland, 2014 (solo); Aria, Utopian Slopes, Melbourne, 2014 (group); Everyday Backwash, Michael Lett, Auckland, 2014 (group); Campaign Furniture, Dunedin Public Art Gallery, Dunedin, 2014 (group) both curated by Henry Davidson, and The Day is a Fume, curated by Elle Loui August, The Physics Room, Christchurch, 2014 (group).