On and On: The Rotating Video Collection Karin Hofko

22 January 2008 - 5 February 2008

Expect the unexpected, “On&On” fills the whole of the upper gallery with a rotating video installation. Hofko explains the beginnings of the project “As I play the drums I realized that there were a lot of possibilities to change the order of a repeating structure in a video sequence as well“.

“Tron”, “Sherlock Holmes”, and “What’s up Doc”? were, in Kofkos words “manipulated with regards the repetition”.

”Rabbitpad” tries to show the audience in an amusing way how easily you can get trapped in your own life, ending up doing always the same (sometimes senseless) things - again and again!

“Mrs Keckeis” Again the focus is the repetitive patterns in everyday life. To interpret the repetition in a visual way the clips end in a loop - the irresistible force of destiny.

“Principle Hammer” This video piece shows how irritating some inexorable procedures can be.

“Reception”. Repetition is often found in Greek mythology e.g. the story of Sisyphus.

These stories are about a never ending punishment in a divine environment. In this context, the bunny keeps on trying to get a good visual connection, as he knows that this is the only way to communicate with the outside world.

Karin Hofko, nick name KIR ROYAL, is an experimental German media artist currently living in New Zealand. Hofko, half European and half Central American was born in Germany – but El Salvador is where she would go every year for holidays. As a child, staying in Central America became one of the most important inspirations for her art.

Presented alongside Alannah Brown Drink Your Medicine