Kim Swanson, Hood, 2005

Hood Kim Swanson

21 June 2005 - 9 July 2005

Hood is an exploration of identity and disobedience, whether it is real or just perceived. Kim Swanson is using the idea of the artist's self-portrait and extending it: portrait as mug shot and artist as anonymous thug. Swanson's portrait of the Hood arises primarily from questions about identity, especially the tensions between the subject and the collective or the group. She is particularly interested in the way people renegotiate the effect of their relationship with established institutions. As part of the opening there will be a street performance by the Hoodlums involving a less than legal car parked outside the gallery premises. Using a vehicle that apparently hasn't got the institutional stamp of approval as a publicly displayed part of the project also tests the limits between art and public obedience; is it sculpture or is it a citation waiting to happen?

Presented alongside Fiona Lascelles Natura Stupet