Curated by Chanelle Carrick, Light Sensitive: Alternative Photographic Technologies, 2010

Light Sensitive: Alternative Photographic Technologies Curated by Chanelle Carrick

18 May 2010 - 12 June 2010

Light Sensitive: Alternative Photographic Technologies brings together the work of New Zealand photographers Alan Bekhuis, Joyce Campbell, Ben Cauchi and Darren Glass.

Working in a range of techniques to produce ambrotypes, daguerreotypes, and home-made pinhole camera images, these photographers are part of a growing international revival of interest in often complex and obsolete photographic technologies from the 19th century.

Curator Chanelle Carrick explains that their approaches reflect reactions to the current dominance of digital imaging processes, exploring themes of the photograph as a technologically produced image or as a tactile image-object associated with commemoration and memory, and traditional links between the medium and concepts of visual truth and evidence.

Click to download the exhibition text (PDF)

Presented alongside Anna Perry Fog. These exhibitions converge with a focus on alternative chemical and analogue technologies for the synthetic construction of sensations, whether in the replication of an image or scent. They share too an interest in our proclivity for creating and clinging to those things that hold an ability to trigger our memories.


Blue Oyster Discussion Session 11: Tuesday 8 June, 5:30pm

Bring along your old and analogue art making contraptions to the Blue Oyster and mull over with us what it is that fascinates us about older technologies for art making. Is it their potential for chance and surprise? Their more evident causality? Is it nostalgia? Or a neo-Luddite disillusion with new media?

The conversation will be chaired by Dr Jonathan Marshall and we have invited and artists Gary Blackman, Nigel Bunn, Sue Marshall and Edie Stevens to show us their art making gadgets and to tell us about the allure they hold for them.