swfer Luke Munn

9 May 2015 - 6 June 2015

A Google Image search for the term ‘digital’ yields a cascade of luminous grids and network nodes, all in blue—a colour rarely found in living organisms because of the energy required to produce it. These are hermetically sealed terrains, unblemished by human forms. Cloud storage depicts data as a spectral mass floating in the ether and delivered ‘just in time’, far from the hardware and wetware underpinning it.  

swfer continues Luke Munn’s investigation into the relationship between immaterial, sterilised technology and the intimacy and physicality of our moistmedia bodies. By collapsing software and the somatic, swfer aims at disrupting the frictionless surfaces operating within our current digitality.

Listen to Luke Munn in conversation with Matt Galloway here.
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Luke Munn uses the body and code, objects and performances to activate relationships and responses in his practice. His projects have featured at 221a Vancouver, PLATFORM Munich, Fold Gallery London, Causey Contemporary Brooklyn and the Istanbul Contemporary Art Museum, with commissions from Aotearoa Digital Arts Network and Terminal (USA). He is a currently studying toward a Masters at Colab AUT, works as an Artist Alliance mentor and is Studio Supervisor at Whitecliffe College of Art & Design.