Lynda Cullen, Joan: God’s Own, 2007

Joan: God’s Own Lynda Cullen

11 September 2007 - 29 September 2007

Lynda Cullen works with a combination of embroidery and acrylic paint on stretched canvas. With brightly coloured painted backgrounds often done with large sweeping brushstrokes overlaid with intricate embroidered images Cullen is exploring the gendering of process; painting and embroidery. She challenges the boundaries between art and craft with a feminist sensibility. This particular body of work concerns the woman hero; Alice in Wonderland; Wonder Woman and Joan of Arc. In pervious work ‘Joan/Enforcer’, Cullen uses Larry Poons’s Enforcer as a painted background for an embroidered Joan of Arc. As the artist states ‘...I create a dialogue that integrates needlework and art, masculinity and femininity, private and public and other intertextual notions which confound structuralists binaries.’

Presented alongside Cat Simpson Flipside to the Darkside and Dawn