Mark Hanson, Rivals, 2005

Rivals Mark Hansen

2 August 2005 - 20 August 2005

Mark Hansen presents video work Rivals in the Lower Gallery. 

"Males meet with intent to compete against one another; they use the handshake as an aerial arm wrestle cloaking it as a dignified greeting. Males weed out the undesirables, the unfit, and the weaklings to remain as the alpha male of the herd. But when two males conclude that they are evenly matched, two things can occur. They either join as twin soldiers fighting together in conquest or they become entrenched in bitter rivalry."

Since 2001, Jacque of Burgundy and Lanske of Liechtenstein have been rivals, competing head to head to resolve this issue of superiority. They have traveled to the barren foothills of New Zealand’s Mt Ruapehu to break this deadlock. This Western/ Sport/ Action video (a hybridization of barely tolerable genres) was inspired by a performance entitled ‘Whitianga War Memorial Pe’tanque Match 2005’ conducted by Mark Hansen and Michiel Mos

Click to view (Youtube)

Presented alongside Scott Eady Lil'jiffy and Ryan Moore (Untitled)