Martyn Reynolds, Samuel Georgia Oscar / Turning back and forth, 2009

Samuel Georgia Oscar / Turning back and forth Martyn Reynolds

11 August 2009 - 2 September 2009

Centered on a video shot on Banks Peninsula with three actors, Reynolds explores ideas of landscape painting by mixing its tropes with those used in adverting media, fashion and car advertising. The video has no soundtrack but Dunedin based experimental sound practitioner Alex MacKinnon will offer an audio response to the video at the opening, bringing into focus spatial presence and the relationships between cinematic and architectural space. A series of sculptures throughout the space, chairs reformed into stools, will double as cinema seating whilst also allowing for an invitation to think about the space as a place to physically progress through or to sit and contemplate. A reworking of Mel Bochner's measurement installations will signify elements of the architecture that potentially problematise the space of the Blue Oyster galleries which are nevertheless so overt as they are...

Tuesday 11 August 2009: Sound Performance by Alex MacKinnon

Click to download the exhibition text (PDF)

Presented alongside Eva Wuerdinger replaceThrough different methods Reynolds and Wuerdinger explore the way space is defined through temporal and shifting negotiations of use and materiality.