Monuments Dreaming of Me, 2007

Monuments Dreaming of Me Richard Bryant, Richard Frater and Patrick Lundberg

13 November 2007 - 1 December 2007

Seeking an opportunity to engage with each others bodies of work, Richard Bryant, Richard Frater and Patrick Lundberg's exhibition Monuments Dreaming of Me refuse the concept of collaboration in favour of more intrusive and disruptive devices for the arrangement of their works. Installation is aimed both at intruding on the experience of adjoining works; while simultaneously existing as autonomous objects. Frater explains "Organisation will be collective, not a collaborative installation so much as an ensemble of discrete works spawning a process of continual realignment. We envisage a system whereby constellations of work are created that frame and reframe one another The installation, a model of precarious interdependence, will also be a negotiation of maintaining individual autonomy."

Click to download the exhibition text (PDF)

Frater, Bryant and Lundberg all come from Auckland where they are involved in running the artist run project space A Centre for Art.

Presented alongside The Back Boot Project