Neil Emmerson, Are We There Yet...?, 2007

Are We There Yet...? Neil Emmerson

15 April 2007 - 5 May 2007

Neil Emmerson is a very highly regarded contemporary print artist with substantial amounts of his work held in the major Australian collections. Most recently he was winner of the 2006 Freemantle Print Award Major Acquisitive Prize, and in 2006 his work was selected for 'Uncanny Nature' at The Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, and 'Proof: Contemporary Australian Printmaking' at The National Gallery of Victoria. Although Emmerson's art practice is grounded in printmaking, the prints are typically exhibited as parts of an installation layered with meaning. His subject matter is political, both in terms of the critical focus it directs towards aspects of contemporary social and cultural life and its consistent projection of gay experience into the public realm.

Click to download SCOPE Art:2 2007 featuring reviews of this exhibition

Emmerson has recently taken up the position of Head of the Print Studio at The School of Art in Dunedin and this will be the first time his work has been shown in New Zealand. Originally from Australia, Neil Emmerson is a Dunedin-based printmaker. He holds a Master of Visual Arts, Sydney College of the Arts, University of Sydney (2001).