PBPR Presents, 100% Pure You, 2013

100% Pure You PBPR

29 January 2013 - 23 February 2013

We are Colin McCahon depicting the verdurous Otago landscape. Slip into nature, consuming its essence as a tool for commercial enterprise. PBPR reframes NZ’s outward identity as an uneasy patriotism. A solo quest . The obsessive bionic quest to be your “best” undertaken through the labyrinth of contemporary images of New Zealand.

Fresh, undulating bubbles in your blood oceans ahead. PBPR will travel to the peaks of business, wade through the rivers of jargon and pull out the golden nuggets that will let your career soar to its ultimate destiny. Swivel over, we will fill you up with black coffee until your heart is pumping like Usain Bolt. Let our powerful feminine energy guide the natural receptors in your brain to fulfil your potential.

PBPR understands PR as a force and promotion as an entity in art. Each project taken on is considered through scrupulous research and technical expertise. The hysteria of business slowed down, dealt with in a series of moments. Layers of fiction piled atop each other, a company, a film, a practice all emerging together in connected synergies.

Click here to view the film (Vimeo)

PBPR are Auckland based artists Ashlin Raymond and Zhoe Granger. Raymond and Granger present themselves and their public relations services as an art practice, tapping into current obsessions with purity and success that permeate visual culture at large.

PBPR also undertook a Summer Residency at the Blue Oyster (12-28 January 2013) prior to their exhibition.