Rap Curated by Michelle Armistead

4 December 2007 - 22 December 2007

Ali Bramwell, Matt Gillies, Steve Godman, Reuben Moss, Kannika Ou, Holly Russell, Angela Singer, Gemma Tweedie and Steve Walsh, curated by Michelle Armistead

Many artists live in Dunedin but exhibit elsewhere. The premise of the show is simple, a bunch of artists, emerging and experienced, who live or have lived in Dunedin. New works stand beside previously exhibited pieces and continuations of projects undertaken outside Dunedin. Despite the deliberate avoidance of ‘an overarching conceptual theme’, the works generate a dialogue amongst themselves. Resistance is a key feature. From Matt Gillies’ investigation into tensions evident in a utilitarian environment to Angela Singer’s critique of animal cruelty, the exhibition is riddled with works that ask us to ask questions.

Artists Talks:
13 December 2007: Angela Singer
18 December 2007: Matt Gillies and Ali Bramwell in conversation

Reuben Moss ‘Anywhere’ Tours, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday 11am
Opening Night Performance, Steven Walsh