Ro Bradshaw, Left: 'Sweet Dreams'. Right: 'Home Sweet Home', 2011

Please God, let my children grow and live happily ever after Ro Bradshaw

31 May 2011 - 9 July 2011

Junk food, sweets and soft drinks are the medium for Ro Bradshaw's exhibition Please God, let my children grow and live happily ever after. Bradshaw says the works are a response to media reports about how the over-consumption of junk food and soft drinks is leading to childhood obesity.

"The work addresses the illogicality of social mores and parental fears. Obesity is probably the biggest threat to New Zealand children and the most controllable of societal ills, but it is often given less attention and consideration than the more sensational fears such as terrorism, drink driving, danger-stranger, drugs and teenage suicide.

"Food is inspiring as both a symbol and subject in art. It can refer to a plethora of themes from the aesthetics of still life to globalisation, health issues regarding obesity and anorexia, feminist issues concerning concepts of beauty and the ideal body weight," Bradshaw says. 

Monday 20 June 2011: Artist Talk

Click to download the exhibition text (PDF)

Presented alongside Justin Spiers Castleland and Margaret Feeney Storage Systems. Thhis playful group of exhibitions feature art works made of sweets, interactive art, and lots of castles bringing humour and fun, with a darker side, into the gallery.