Rose McLeod, Memory and Fabric, 2011

Memory and Fabric Rose McLeod

15 November 2011 - 23 December 2011

Rose McLeod's Memory and Fabric is a textile installation initially motivated by an important loss in the artist's life. The installation, which consists of deconstructed and reassembled men's woolen and tweed jackets, looks at male identity and the figure of the "old male" in contemporary dialogue. McLeod uses deconstruction/reconstruction techniques and recycled materials to facilitate discovery and creation. Fragmented pieces of clothing are put back together in new forms as part of a process of learning and investigation. She explores dissection and the need to disassemble thoughts, the tangle of memories, in order to unlock oneself from the strong emotional force of such thoughts.

15 November 2011: Artist Discussion with Rose McLeod, Kate Fitzharris and Nicola Hansby

Presented alongside Nicola Hansby A Collection of Still LifesKate Fitzharris Walk and Sonja van Kerkhoff Caravan from Istanbul, DunedinThese exhibitions, which all explore the connections between art and memory.