Sea / Soar Chris Hargreaves and Dave Stewart

13 July 2004 - 31 July 2004

In the West Side space, Chris Hargreaves and Dave Stewart present Sea / Soar, a sculptural exhibition questioning our perception of 'moving images' by creating works that blur the line between how and what we perceive to be the absolute truth, the line diving the 'real and the 'hyperreal'. To travel is to write an untold story; to tell a story is a journey. Throughout all cultures and histories, and in the present, we attempt to preserve our experiences and memories - collective and individual - by means of tales, narratives, accounts, yarns, legends, fairytales, chronicles, anecdotes, novels, reports, songs and sagas. Now, of course, we also have 'film' or, more accurately, 'moving image'.

The world today consists of more than just the real. Not only can we travel in physical space but now we can also have to consider what is refereed to in digital media as the 'virtual' - the 'hyperreal'. The stories that this generation pass onto the next can be created in a fantasy land from the comfort and isolation of the computer suite. This utopian 'Disney' world can border on the real world so convincingly because of its ideals and seductiveness.

Click to download the exhibition text (PDF)

Presented alongside Room