Shane McGrath, Gelber Luftballon (Dunedin Research Project), 2013

Gelber Luftballon (Dunedin Research Project) Shane McGrath

24 April 2013 - 25 May 2013

Gelber LuftBallon (Dunedin Research Project) is a series of new work created by Melbourne-based artist Shane McGrath. McGrath’s practice has used rockets, planes and zeppelins in his practice as metaphors for escapism, exploration, memory and tragedy. For this series McGrath has been investigating the public debates around Dunedin’s proposed wharf hotel development. McGrath sees the issue as one that concerns the city as a whole, which has the potential to impact dramatically on the city's future. 

During the public submissions process there were calls for an on-site, tethered balloon to be used as an indication as to how tall the hotel would be. Using this suggestion as an entry point for his investigation, McGrath will launch a balloon near the proposed site on Monday 15 April. In this context the balloon is not only a practical object for measuring height, but also references times of conflict (barrage balloons) which were designed to allay fears of attack and also an indicate that the city was under attack. 

Gelber LuftBallon is not a didactic work or a protest, but simply a catalyst to encourage debate and add to the ongoing dialogue. The results and ephemera of the research project and balloon launch will form the core of the exhibition at the Blue Oyster which opens on Tuesday 23 April. 

Click to view video documentation (Vimeo)

Shane McGrath lives and works in Melbourne, Australia. In 2009, McGrath completed a Masters in Fine Arts at Massey University and in 2010 he won the inaugural Deblyn Artist Residency at the Wellington City Council Toi Poneke Gallery. In 2012 he was commissioned by City Gallery Wellington to produce a major new public art work for Wellington's Glover Park as part of The Obstinate Object sculpture exhibition. McGrath is represented by Bartley and Company, Wellington.