Sighing: just out of earshot Curated by Ali Bramwell

23 October 2007 - 10 November 2007

Viel Bjerkeset Andersen, Lisa Benson, Neil Berecry-Brown and Jieon Lee, Thom Vink and Saara Ekstrom and Gordana Andjelic Galic, curated by Ali Bramwell

In the Darkside and Lower Galleries, independent curator Ali Bramwell has collected five works that use touch and repetition to explore forms of sublimated desire. The works in the exhibition share a similar approach, they are the results of documenting a physical process. Each process anchors a different moment of longing concretely, desire that is not abstract but embodied.

Click to download the exhibition text (PDF)

Presented alongside Rotorplus Project Nature Fig 20b. {maps of the world Vol.1}