Down the Gurgler Sue Marshall

1 July 2008 - 26 July 2008

Sue Marshall’s latest exhibition Down the Gurgler seeks to capture a female’s fascination with what goes on behind the bathroom door, exploring the shaving of facial hair, an everyday ritual for many men. Down the Gurgler seeks to comprehend and reconcile unknown territories between the sexes. It unravels Marshall’s understanding and reception of the process of daily facial shaving in men, and asks how such insights may shed light on her own shaving rituals.

"Everyday billions of men shave their facial hair. Unseen, this is very a private ritual. It is a humbling process, facing the mirror, facing yourself: the good, the bad, the ugly. Each man faces up to a certain reality, and self-examination. What may have been, what may lie ahead. Literally, Down the Gurgler shaved whiskers by the ton, and with it the thoughts, aspirations and often the deepest doubts of men." - Sue Marshall

Marshall’s enquiry privileges a physiological reading of the ritual: shaving as the elimination of the unwanted, and the pruning of debris. The shaver’s mirror acts as a sight for the re-imaging, rejuvenation and construction of self.

Presented alongside Carmel Cosgrove Uninvited and WORKSHOP ‘Zeitgeist Becomes Form