Tjalling de Vries, Emetic Aesthetic, 2012

Emetic Aesthetic Tjalling de Vries

31 January 2012 - 3 March 2012

Tjalling de Vries is a Christchurch-based artist. He completed an MFA (Distinction) in Painting at the University of Canterbury School of Fine Arts in 2011. Since 2008 he has held positions as fixed-term lecturer in the Painting and Printmaking departments at the University of Canterbury. Tjalling has exhibited in New Zealand and Australia in both solo and group exhibitions. Along with Emetic Aesthetic, de Vries is also working toward a solo show at Antoinette Godkin Gallery, Auckland, and a large-scale work for the Christchurch Art Gallery’s post-earthquake opening exhibition Rolling Maul, curated by Justin Paton and Felicity Milburn. Tjalling is represented by Antoinette Godkin Gallery, Auckland.

Click to download the exhibition text (PDF)

Presented alongside Scott Flanagan 867 Hours Underground.