SPECIAL TIME (Ehara i te tī) Turumeke Harrington

26 June 2021 - 31 July 2021

Opening preview: Friday 25 June, 5.30pm
Rāmere 25 Pipiri, 5:30pm

Exhibition runs: 26 June—31 July 
Rāhoroi 26 Pipiri ­— Rāhoroi 31 Hōngongoi

SPECIAL TIME (Ehara i te tī) presents new work by Te Whanganui-a-Tara based practitioner Turumeke Harrington. Navigating concepts of taonga, time travel, whānau and whakapapa SPECIAL TIME (Ehara i te tī) explores new mediums and collaborative partnerships in an immersive sculptural installation. Developed with support from the Ngāi Tahu Fund.

Public Programme:

SPECIAL TIME (Ehara i te tī) exhibition talk and shared meal
Saturday 10 July, 3‒6PM

The public programme is generously supported by The Puaka Matariki Festival.


Turumeke Harrington is a Ngāi Tahu artist living in Wellington. She grew up in Christchurch and Rotorua, studied industrial design at Victoria, Fine Arts at Canterbury and shoemaking at RMIT in Melbourne and is currently working towards a masters in fine arts at Massey. Working across sculpture and installation, Turumeke's work is characterised by bold colours and references to domestic forms and materials. Sitting somewhere between art and design she is currently interested in exploring how objects, material and colour can express, challenge and pursue mātauranga Māori through their composition.

Inspired to make work that is generous to its audience while occasionally tripping them up, a lot of consideration is given to making art accessible both physically and conceptually. Much of Turumeke's mahi is driven by a desire to engage her young daughter in making, understanding and challenging contemporary art practice. Turumeke has recently shown work at Adam Art Gallery Te Pātaka Toi, Enjoy Contemporary Art Space, Toi Pōneke, RM Gallery and Objectspace.

Instagram @turumeketurumeke.com

Turumeke Harrington was the Blue Oyster Art Project Space Caselberg Trust Summer Resident for 2021.
Thank you to the Caselberg Trust for their support of this project.

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