Vicky Browne, The Orator Vs. The Warrior, 2008

The Orator Vs. The Warrior Vicky Browne

23 September 2008 - 18 October 2008

Positioning contemporary electronics alongside, usurped and even ancient technologies The Orator and the Warrior induces a contemporary technological battle for supremacy. Mapping the slow elimination and identity shifts evident in devices like the ipod, the mobile phone and the trusty cassette Vicky Browne’s practice critiques and explores changes evident in the everyday items of today’s digital empire .The new and the ancient stand beside each other ready to dual it out in the ancient arena. Utilising many mediums including: sound, sculpture, video and interaction the artist an audience are encouraged to examine these newfangled devices through the perspective of a historical looking glass. But what does such a comparison reveal? Do these technological icons represent a continuum of humankinds desire for technology and western ideologies drive for the bigger/better, faster and smaller? Or reveal something that is lost in the wake of the dreams and desire for advancement? The resolution is yours for the taking.

Browne comes to us from Sydney where she has exhibited at many established contemporary spaces including Artspace, Performance Space, Pelt Gallery and MOP projects. She has also shown at Artspace in Auckland, Physics Room in Christchurch and at various project spaces throughout Australia. Browne completed an undergraduate degree in Art History at our very own University of Otago going on to graduate in Visual Arts at the Sydney Collage of the Arts.

Presented alongside Caroline McQuarrie We Hold Back the Night