Sam Norton, 'Untitled' (detail), 20 April, 2015

vital bodies Curated by Georgina Watson

8 July 2015 - 1 August 2015

Georgette Brown, Wendelien Bakker, Anna Rankin, Sam Norton, Virginia Overell and Holly Childs. 

a  momentary  holding  together
of bodies.    a resting  upon  wet
surfaces.    fingertips     budding
with     moisture.      dank    bush
floors,        foliage,       fermented
foods.     membranes expanding,
seeds  germinating  as  they  hit
the  air.  excessive  gardens,
fish eggs laid in oceans. droplets
hanging     suspended.       the
incipient vitality all around.

Curated by Auckland based practitioner Georgina Watson, ‘vital bodies’ brings together the work of five contemporary artists, writers and theorists from New Zealand and Australia.